Back to Camping!

We’re packing up at the hostel this morning and will spend the next few days camping in a campground near the Denali entrance. Our days will be full of activities and excursions: hikes, visiting with sled dogs, fly fishing, going deep into the park itself (the Eielson Visitor Center), and more.

Over these next days our connectivity might be less than perfect, or sometimes nonexistent—in other words, exactly what you’d expect for a group exploring the vast wilds of Alaska!

It has been overcast and drizzly, but the forecast plants seeds of hope for sunny and clear weather starting tonight. Please keep your fingers crossed tight for us as we explore the land of “the High One”—with the right weather, the right humidity, the right timing, the right patience, we just might catch a glimpse of Denali’s impressive, majestic, and humbling peak!

Stay tuned,
Kevin & Anna